Radio Kinesonus on October 12, 2003
01:00 - Kenji Maehara improvised with his computer.
02:05 - Keith de Mendonca talked played on telephone.
02:25 - Hiroshi Hasegawa played his computer.
03:31 - Tetsuo Kogawa moved his hands over the 4 transmitters and KAOSS PAD.
Artists' Comments and live pictures

This month, I decided to buy a cheap record player, and broadcast some vinyl recordings of music that use the turntable as an instrument.
The first track is an exceprt from Christian Marclay's 1985 "record without a cover" - sounds of manipulated records played on multiple turntables.
I then played "Lambing" and "Pax" from Philip Jeck's latest release called "Stoke". Jeck, who has used up to 180 record players in his installations & performances, has described how he started to really experiment freely with records after seeing Christian Marclay perform in the USA in the 1980s.
Next, I played extracts from Janek Schaefer's "Skate" record, which he created by playing the collected works of Pierre Schaeffer through car speakers into the horn of an old wind-up gramaphone record player - etching an acetate disc with concentric sound scars using the gramaphone's needle. And finally I played extracts of "Rink", a companion mini-cd release to "Skate", in which Schaefer played the Skate
album on his tri-phonic record player. Janek Schaefer has described how he started using his unusual turntable as a sound source after seeing Philip Jeck perform in London in 1995.
- Keith de Mendonca
["Actions speak louder than words".]
- Kenji Maehara
["Actions speak louder than words".]
-Hiroshi Hasegawa
Always I prefer simplicity of machines and instrument with their unexpected complexity. This month, I used 4 transmitters, one stereo radio FM receivers and KAOSS PAD. Every component of 4 transmitters was laid on a fragile thin copper plate that would be usually prohibited. More thicker and no can-be-bent plate must be used for transmitter for the stable frequency and functions. But I appreciated instability deriving from the can-be-bent plate. I recently found that KAOSS PAD (KORG's effector) matches with my hand performance in its controlling interface. I bought it long time ago but didn't use much of it because of the limited functions. Such an insufficiency has turned out to be more viable. This is a paradox of technology.
- Tetsuo Kogawa