Tetsuo Kogawa's Writings

An Email Interview with Tetsuo Kogawa by Simone Hundrieser (2024)

Notes on Antenna (2023)

Fragments on radio and body (2023)

An Email Dialogue of Tetsuo Kogawa and Anderson Santos (2020)

From Casting to Translocal An Email Interview with Tetsuo Kogawa by Jan Philip Müller (2017)

A Dialogue with Michal Cáb for A2 (2016)

An email dialogue with Anja Kannigieser (2010)

An email interview with Tetsuo Kogawa by Daniela Cascella for Cut & Splice (2010)

An Email interview by Salomé Voegelin in London (2010)

A Radioart Manifesto (2008)

Radio in the Chiasme (2004)

A Micro Radio Manifesto (2002-2003)

Mobile Phone and Electro-individualism in Japan (2001)

Two or three things that I know about the streaming media. (2000)

Minima Memoranda, a note on streaming media (1999)

Trash-art in the age of Digital Ash (1999)

The Global Transformation of Books and Reading (1998)

Video: The Access Media (1996)

Toward a Reality of Reference: The Image and the Era of Virtual Reality (1995)

The Electronic Body at the End of the State: Ethnicirty, National Identity, and the Japanese Emperor System (1994)

Free Radio in Japan: The Mini FM Boom (1993)

Toward Polymorphous Radio (1990)

New Trends in Japanese Popular Culture (1988)

The State of Arts (Art in Japan) (1985)

Beyond Electronic Individualism (1984)

Japan as a Manipurated Society (1981)

Adorno's Strategy of "Hibernation" (1981) PDF

Politics & Diary  Cinema  Books
All of the articles are free to use. No copyright.
But some of them (PDF) can be copyrighted. In case you may contact with the publisher. In any case, I would be happy whenever you kindly let me know when you use my writings over my email tetsuo [at-mark] translocal.jp.