How to build a micro transmitter
Tetsuo Kogawa

Why was this site established?
Because transmission technology is esotericized and I believe that it provides exciting possibilities to art.
A Visual History of Making transmitters: (1) How to (2) What are they by Tetsuo Kogawa
- Diagrams
- Tools
- How to build
- Antenna and How to operate
- Histories
- The earlier "private" workshop to build a transmitter, June 3, 1990
Video [MP4, 41.3MB]
- The first "public" workshop to build a transmitter, April 28, 1991
Video [MP4]
- The first Workshop in the U.S. at Paper Tiger Television, November 4, 1991
Video [YouTube]
- Other Transmitter Workshops: see the "Streaming Media Archives"
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